DISCLAIMER: this article is older than one year and may not be up to date with recent events or newly available information.
Fifty years ago, the vision of the future was one of flying cars, robot butlers and bionic limbs. While we may not yet have the flying cars, we are moving closer to what was once science fiction. One of the things that didn’t feature on the list half a century ago was a world that was run and maintained by software.
Software-defined solutions are increasingly been utilised, with the old familiar view of the data centre quickly becoming a thing of the past. This is according to Ian Jansen van Rensburg – Lead Technologist and Senior Systems Engineering Manager within VMware Sub-Saharan Africa.
Speaking at the MyBroadband 2019 Data Storage, Backup and Recovery Conference, Van Rensburg highlighted the movement that is now taking prominence in the ICT sphere. Data centres are now becoming part of the industries that they serve.
Hardware is shrinking in size and software-defined solutions are now becoming more tailored to an organisation’s needs and far more accessible than every before. Users can now use applications from any device, anywhere and any time.
The digital revolution has meant that companies need to advance the data centre technology they employ, integrate public clouds, network and security transformation, and the empower digital workspaces.
“In order to achieve this, you need a solid digital foundation with a software-defined approach. This is where VMware comes in, streamlining the move to a digital business using any cloud, application, or device,” says van Rensburg.
VMware’s software is already ahead of the pack providing its clients the ability to not only implement the software they need, but to do it securely while managing cloud using virtual storage and network solutions. This leads ultimately to greater productivity and cost saving.
The future is clearly in safe hands with VMware, and advancing at a rapid pace.
Category: News
Tags: cloud, digital business, Ian Jansen van Rensburg, Mobility, My Broadband Conference, vmware
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