Looking at security with a new focus

Looking at security with a new focus

Posted on 08/09/2017 by blogsadmin
DISCLAIMER: this article is older than one year and may not be up to date with recent events or newly available information.

The security model has evolved once again. Initially an afterthought for many enterprises, security then became a perimeter, slowly worked its way into the network, and now finds itself an essential part of every single element within the IT environment – from data and applications to the network and infrastructure.

What this trend tells us is that enterprises are working towards securing themselves ahead of the curve. Ahead of the criminals that are looking to jump at the slightest sign of a vulnerability.

This is why last week, at VMworld 2017 in Las Vegas, VMware announced yet another move to keep enterprises ahead, and it changes the security model once again.

VMware’s AppDefense leverages the virtual infrastructure to monitor running applications against their intended state, and can detect and automate response to attacks that attempt to manipulate those applications.

This application-focused security model works by making sure that an app is working as it intended to, and this has been made possible through the increased use of automation in application and infrastructure provisioning, application frameworks, machine learning, virtualization and cloud.

Now, businesses don’t need to concentrate on chasing away cyber threats and can instead encourage a more proactive approach to security that is intent-based.

AppDefense is likely to have the same impact on the compute stack as VMware NSX and micro-segmentation did for the network.

Interested to find out more? Watch the below video of Tom Corn, VMware’s senior vice president for security products, as he visualises how VMware AppDefence works.

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