How Kubernetes can help your organization – by Ed Hoppitt

Posted on 26/06/2018 by vmwareemeasmt
DISCLAIMER: this article is older than one year and may not be up to date with recent events or newly available information.

“How do I operationalize Kubernetes at scale within my organization” is a question being wrestled with by many of VMware’s customers today – and there are few choices available that really offer you an Enterprise-ready way of delivering Kubernetes, leveraging the investments that you have already made as a new way to consume IT services within an organization.

The Pivotal Container Service (PKS) is a joint engineering project between Google, VMware and Pivotal which seeks to bring the power, ease and flexibility of Kubernetes to Enterprise IT with the same security, robustness and confidence that you would expect from VMware.

VMware and Pivotal are jointly running a series of workshops across EMEA to help our customers understand how they can quickly get Kubernetes running using PKS.  These workshops will cover

  • An overview of containers and Kubernetes in the marketplace
  • Overview of running container workloads in production with PKS exploring the features and functionality of the platform
  • How to go about modernizing and moving applications from traditional environments into a Kubernetes platform
  • A demo of how PKS operates
  • The chance for a Q&A session with VMware and Pivotal teams
  • If you want to understand how to ensure your developers get a robust Kubernetes platform, allowing them to focus on development rather than platform maintenance, providing greater Operational Efficiency whilst including those features that an Enterprise would expect such as High-Availability out of the box, built in deep networking integration, load balancing, security and container networking – as well as constant compatibility with GKE, then these workshops on the Pivotal Container Service are for you.

We have spaces left on the following workshops across Europe

28 June – Amsterdam
B. Amsterdam
Johan Huizingalaan
763A, 1066 VH Amsterdam

5 July – London
Pivotal Office
The Warehouse, 211 Old Street,
Second Floor, London EC1V 9NR3

11 September – Paris*
Châteauform City – City Le Cnit
2 Place de la Défense
92053 Puteaux, France

*Presentation will be in French

Want to learn more? Register here.

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