Securing Your Network in a Hyperconnected World

Posted on 23/10/2018 by vmwareemeasmt
DISCLAIMER: this article is older than one year and may not be up to date with recent events or newly available information.

Business moves fast in today’s digital landscape. Applications, services, and data are becoming more distributed, while threats are becoming more sophisticated. From data centers and the cloud to branches and the edge, IT teams are responsible for more environments than ever before, and the complexity is only increasing.

If your IT organization is under pressure to stay productive, increase agility, and help the business innovate, you know that expectations are high. You’re on the hook to:

  • Expand your software fluency and vendor agnostic knowledge for complex, interdependent infrastructures
  • Deliver a seamless and secure cross-cloud networking strategy
  • Keep up with continually changing applications and rapid development lifecycles
  • Identify every threat across environments, no matter how many alerts there are

Traditional, hardware-based approaches to networking and security can’t help you do all that. They’re inflexible and slow-moving; they require time-consuming manual intervention; they can’t connect and protect all the apps your business needs. That’s why it’s time to reinvent the network…in software.

 Build Your Foundation for a Virtual Cloud Network

Our digital, app-centric world can be daunting, but a programmable network was built to meet these changing demands and evolve right along with them. VMware NSX® delivers the foundation for a Virtual Cloud Network that provides consistent connectivity and embedded security across an end-to-end architecture that delivers applications and services everywhere.

VMware NSX is an innovative networking and security approach that changes the way our customers design and deliver services across the enterprise, helping you break down the silos caused by hardware-centric systems.

Essentially, the Virtual Cloud Network is a blueprint for a simplified, agile network that provides consistent connectivity, branch optimization, and security across the entire infrastructure—allowing you to get up to speed fast.

Discover the multi-cloud networking and security capabilities that allow consistent networking policies across any cloud, public or private. Check out the webinar The Future of Networking and Security with VMware NSX.

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