future of healthcare report

Posted on 14/04/2020 by vmwareemeasmt

How technology will become the heartbeat of our healthy future

Jens Kögler, Healthcare Industry Director EMEA, VMware It feels like we have reached a turning point in the journey towards improving quality of life – a topic we covered at length in our recent ‘Future of Healthcare Report’. Technology has become the cornerstone that connects patient, doctor and community. But while it augments our understanding […]

Posted on 06/04/2020 by vmwareemeasmt

Technology: Empowering staff to secure a promising prognosis for healthcare

Jens Koegler, Healthcare Industry Director VMware EMEA There’s a great deal of excitement in the healthcare industry when it comes to technological innovation in patient care. From AI-enabled pacemakers, to IoT wearables and 3D printing of organs, the innovations we’ve seen in the last decade can now help prolong a patient’s life or increase their […]

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