IDC report

Posted on 16/07/2019 by vmwareemeasmt

The network advantage – how a new approach to networks holds the key to the future of the enterprise

Introduction We have digital native start-ups; we have enterprises. In the last few years, the narrative has been one of the former disrupting the latter. According to a new report from IDC, that’s all about to change. The next disruptor is not going to be another start-up, but what the analyst calls the digital-native enterprise. […]

Posted on 20/11/2018 by vmwareemeasmt

VMware takes top spot in IDC survey

VMware has been named the leader in the endpoint management market (EMM) by IDC. Earlier this year, the analyst firm invited several leading EMM vendors, including VMware,  to participate in a study. All the participants surveyed had EMM suites offering mobile device management (MDM), mobile application management (MAM), and mobile content capabilities (MCM). The vendors’ […]

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