Four reasons to adopt a Cross-Cloud approach to IT

Posted on 14/03/2017 by blogsadmin
DISCLAIMER: this article is older than one year and may not be up to date with recent events or newly available information.

A Cross-Cloud approach can deliver cloud freedom, choice and control, helping your business accelerate on its digital transformation journey. However, securely managing and bridging the gap between multiple clouds while managing risk, cost and security can be difficult.

Richard Munro, Chief Technologist and Technical Director for vCloud Air EMEA at VMware, is instrumental in helping organisations accelerate their cloud transformation deliverables with VMware’s Cross-Cloud Architecture. In the series of videos below, Richard discusses the benefits of taking a Cross-Cloud approach in helping all lines of the business drive innovation and deliver on their goals – and considers the key questions you should be asking when it comes to starting your cloud journey.


Video #1: How can organisations modernise their IT infrastructure with Cross-Cloud?


Digital transformation, cloud transformation, business transformation – how can organisations get started? Hear how a unified, integrated Cross-Cloud approach to IT infrastructure can help businesses begin to transform and evolve.



Video #2: Transforming enterprise security: How can Cross-Cloud help?


Security in the modern enterprise requires taking a practical view of the risk profile for each of your applications and making the right assertions on how you are going to protect each of those. Discover how VMware’s Cross-Cloud Architecture along with NSX can help you protect your business across platforms, applications and clouds.



Video #3: How can you empower your Digital Workspace?


Your workforce wants simplicity when it comes to mobility. They want freedom to choose their mobile device and freedom to choose their mode of access – but IT still needs some control. Hear from Richard Munro on how VMware’s Cross-Cloud Architecture can bring freedom and control together in the Digital Workspace – by allowing IT to regulate the environment without alienating the people they are trying to help.



Video #4: What impact will public cloud have on the enterprise of the future?


How can IT contribute to an organisation’s 2020 plan? Public cloud services are going to be a part of that plan. Watch how you can integrate public clouds and break down processes and silos in order to help your business achieve its transformation goals.


Want to hear more about how VMware’s Cross-Cloud Architecture can help you navigate your cloud journey? Discover more on our Cross-Cloud Radius page.

Want to get started? Take a read of our comprehensive eBook, “Network Virtualization for Dummies” and bring your network into the future of business. Download here.

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