VEKA strengthens central control of mobile devices to inspire a more flexible approach to working

Posted on 12/03/2020 by vmwareemeasmt
DISCLAIMER: this article is older than one year and may not be up to date with recent events or newly available information.

VEKA AG wanted to take a firmer control of its device management. VMware Workspace ONE allows staff to access the productivity apps they need to work effectively yet take a more consistent posture on device security. Operational costs are down, users are happier.

Flexible working is no longer a competitive point of difference. It is the new normal for most global enterprises. A 2019 survey found 61 percent of global companies currently allow their staff to have some sort of remote working policy. It appears, of the world’s leading economies, only Japan’s employers want to resist. Only 32 percent of Japanese companies have flexible working policies – yet 80 percent of Japanese employees express the desire to work remotely.

The survey does not reveal which companies are excelling at remote working, or which are struggling. There are cultural challenges. Workers often complain of feeling isolated if they spend too long working from home; managers worry they lack visibility and control.

Overcoming the technical challenges is often the first step to addressing the cultural.

With factories and sales offices in over 40 countries across Europe, Asia, and the Americas, VEKA is the world’s largest manufacturer of UPVC window profiles. The family-owned business has been around for more than 50 years and is based in Germany.

VEKA understands that only relentless innovation will keep it on top. The global engineering and construction industry is rife with copycats. There is always some new competitor entering the market with a cheaper alternative.

Digital will be at the forefront of VEKA’s future innovation. The business wants to streamline global processes and empower mobile workers. It wants employees to be able access the information they need from a phone or tablet device, and to be able to work effectively, as dispersed teams, from anywhere.

The challenge is not as much finding the right hardware and applications – there is no shortage of video conferencing, file sharing or messaging apps, but how VEKA keeps this environment safe and secure. Much of VEKA’s value is found in its Intellectual Property (IP). It cannot allow valuable IP to be accessed via an employee’s mobile device.

Encouraging global collaboration

As its 6,000-strong workforce becomes more dispersed and more collaborative, VEKA wants to take a firmer control of its device management, from iPads to warehouse scanning.

VMware Workspace ONE enables VEKA to simply and securely deliver and manage any app on any device. The solution integrates access control, application management and multi-platform endpoint management. It is available as a cloud service or for on-premises deployment.

comdivision consulting GmbH, a VMware Master Services Partner and long-term service provider to VEKA, conducted a Proof of Concept and product training. It then designed and implemented Workspace ONE alongside VEKA.

The solution enables VEKA to create a global device management policy, managed from its headquarters in Germany, but with flexibility to allow local preferences. It delivers a number of features that take the user experience to the next level.

A secure, password-free single sign-on (SSO) to Windows, native, cloud and web apps on any phone, tablet or laptop, means users are online faster, boosting productivity. In addition, integrated insights, app analytics and automation help optimize resources, and strengthen security across the entire environment.

From control to optimization

Today, 500 corporate devices are managed through Workspace ONE, from iPads to scanners. VEKA expects this number to rise to 1,000 within the year.

The company says Workspace ONE has reduced operational costs and made it faster and simpler to onboard users. User satisfaction is up and there is a more consistent security posture. Ultimately there is greater control, and the business is better able to use its mobility devices and applications.

Device management is transparent. Users can see what data is being collected, and VEKA can be clear on what is permitted on company-owned devices.

Rather than simply managing devices and applications, VEKA’s efforts are now spent looking at optimizing the user experience.

Category: News & Highlights, Success Stories

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