Join Cloud Briefing 2019 for Exclusive Insights into the Future of the Cloud

Pubblicato il 23/05/2019 by vmwareitaly
NOTA BENE: questo articolo è più vecchio di un anno e potrebbe non essere aggiornato con gli eventi recenti o le nuove informazioni disponibili.

Join us at VMware Cloud Briefing 2019 for exclusive insights on the forces shaping the cloud today and what this will mean for the enterprise of tomorrow.

Make sure you’re up to speed with the latest cutting-edge developments in the cloud. Don’t miss this insider’s event on June 4, when VMware CEO Pat Gelsinger and the industry’s leading cloud technologists announce their visions for the future of hybrid cloud, multi-cloud, next-gen apps and more.

Join speakers including the founders of Kubernetes and CloudHealth, and innovators behind industry-shaking advancements like VMware Cloud on AWS.

Cloud Briefing is designed to help you understand the challenges and opportunities in emerging cloud technology, to accelerate your journey to a successful cloud architecture.

The event will cover critical enterprise cloud considerations, including:
  • VMware’s vision for the future of the cloud, and how new and emerging solutions are shaping the next generation of the cloud market.
  • Why hybrid cloud is the new normal, and how unifying private cloud, public cloud and edge is giving customers the flexibility to work across a seamless pool of resources for all their applications
  • How the multi-cloud reality will give way to a multi-cloud strategy where customers will operate freely across providers, customizing services and innovation while managing cost, complexity and risk.
  • How the rise of Kubernetes is driving business transformation through next-gen apps.


How to watch VMware Cloud Briefing 2019

VMware Cloud Briefing will air June 4 at 8 am PT and you can stream the digital experience from the cloud briefing portal on the registration page.


Don’t forget to follow Cloud Briefing as it happens with the hashtag #VMwareCloudBriefing, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

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